Thursday, September 08, 2005

I am boring

Well, the Anatolia students still have not arrived, so it is just the dorm advisors and the Pinewood International Students, which is an interesting combination. If you walk through the dorm during the afternoon, you are sure to hear snatches of English, Greek, Bulgarian, and possibly bits of other languages as well. It must be particularly hard for the really young kids, who don't speak much English yet and have never been far from home before. It must be really hard to be away from home at such a young age; several of the younger students have been pretty homesick these past few days.
It's great to hear them pick up words and phrases though. Today, one young Bulgarian girl finished her homework and spent the remainder of the study period complaining "I'm boring, I'm boring." Someone tried to explain to her the difference between bored and boring, but I'm not sure if she got it.
I'm downtown now, in an internet cafe looking out over the ruins of the ancient agora. I just finished eating a chocolate crepe. All in all, life is good- and I have water again!

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